About B.Box
Where are b.box products made?
Our products are manufactured in China to our design specifications and quality standards. All our products meet relevant international standards.
Why is it important that products are BPA, Phthalates and PVC free?
While not banned in Australia as it is in the EU and USA, it is commonly accepted in the juvenile products industry that the use of plastics containing BPA, Phthalates or PVC are potentially harmful to infants and children, with links to developmental and hormonal issues and various cancers. PVC is also a known carcinogen and is the least recyclable form of plastic. Its manufacture also has significant adverse environmental impacts due to the amount of additives and processes it needs to undergo.
All b.box products are free from these nasties and you can have total confidence that when choosing b.box products, you are choosing products that are safe for your bub and the environment.