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MommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle | 40g x 5

Ingredients: Use only the purest and simplest ingredients. There are only three types of ingredients: organic wheat flour, broccoli /tomato/pumpkin, and filtered water. Most of the noodles in the market contain salt as one of the ingredients; MommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle is absolute with NO added salt.

Allergen Advice – This product contains wheat gluten.

USDA Organic

Shape: Experts suggest that straight noodles are the most suitable for babies under one year old with choking hazards as one of the safety considerations. Any animals, letters, stars, etc. shaped noodles are normally recommended for older babies.

Thickness: The fineness of the MommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle is kept at 0.1cm. Mainly to make it easy for babies to chew and bite noodles. Most noodles on the market, be it mee sua, pasta, pan mee noodles, yee mee noodles are thicker and are more recommended for older babies.

Taste: Each baby has different requirements for taste at each different month of age. Mommy J specifically researched and shared a cooking guide on the back of the box. Moms can refer to it and you may make it your own recipe based on your baby's favour.

Nutrition: MommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle is very nutritious. All three flavors are made with SUPERFOOD ingredient-Broccoli / tomato/ pumpkin. The above three super ingredients are known to bring good nutrition and help a baby's growth, improve immunity, promote metabolism, and so on.

Available Flavour:-

MommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle TOMATOMommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle PUMPKINMommyJ Baby Organic Stick Noodle BROCCOLI



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